ShellCheck and shadowed case branches

As of the the latest commit, ShellCheck will try to detect shadowed case branches.

Here’s an adaptation from an unnamed script on GitHub:

case $1 in
        exit 0
        die "Unknown option: $1"

The original case statement was significantly longer, so you’d be excused for not noticing the problem: -h is used for two different branches. Because of this, -h as a short option for --hub will not work.

If you run ShellCheck on this example now, you will get a pair of helpful warnings:

Line 4:
    ^-- SC2221: This pattern always overrides a later one.
Line 8:
    ^-- SC2222: This pattern never matches because of a previous pattern.

Very simple and probably somewhat useful in certain cases, right? Well, it gets slightly more interesting.

Here is another example adapted from the wild:

case $1 in
        die "Unknown option: $1"

Did you spot the same problem? ShellCheck did:

Line 4:
              ^-- SC2221: This pattern always overrides a later one.

Since an unescaped ? matches any character, it will match also match -v, so the short form of --verbose will not work.

Similarly, it recognizes two separate issues in this example:

    -*|--*) die "Invalid option: $1" ;;
    --) shift; break ;;

The end-of-option -- marker will never be recognized, and -*|--* is redundant because the first already covers the second.

These are all very simple cases, but this also works more generally. Here’s a fabricated music sorting script where the bug would be exceedingly hard to spot in a longer list of bands:

case "${filename,,}" in
  *"abba"*.mp3 ) rm "$filename" ;;
  *"black"*"sabbath"*.mp3 ) mv "$filename" "Music/Metal" ;;

So how does it work?

There are very clever ways of determining whether one regular language is a superset of another by intersecting it with the complement of the other, and checking the result for satisfiability.

ShellCheck uses none of them.

I’ve written a regex inverter before, and that level of complexity was not something I wanted to introduce.

Instead, ShellCheck’s pattern intersection and superset supports only basic DOS style wildcard patterns: ?, * and literals. It just does a simple recursive match on the two patterns.

Let’s call the patterns A and B, and we wish to check if A is a superset of B, i.e. if A matches everything that B does.

We have two arbitrary shell patterns that we want to turn into a simplified form, while ensuring we don’t simplify away any details that will cause a false positive. ShellCheck does this in two ways:

It creates A in such a way that it’s guaranteed to match a (non-strict) subset of the actual glob. This just means giving up on any pattern that uses features we don’t explicitly recognize. $(cmd)foo@(ab|c) is rejected, while *foo* is allowed.

It then creates B to guarantee that it matches a (non-strict) superset of the actual glob. This is done by replacing anything we don’t support with a *. $(cmd)foo@(ab|c) just becomes *foo*.

Now we can just match the two patterns against each other with an inefficient but simple recursive matcher. Matching two patterns is slightly trickier than matching a pattern against a string, but it’s still a first year level CS exercise.

It just involves breaking down the patterns by prefix, and matching until you reach a trivial base case:

  • superset(“”, “”) = True
  • superset(“”, cY) = False
  • superset(cX, cY) = superset(X, Y)
  • superset(*X, *Y) = superset(*X, Y)

The actual code calls the simplified patterns “PseudoGlobs”, inhabited by PGAny ?, PGMany *, and PGChar c:

pseudoGlobIsSuperSetof :: [PseudoGlob] -> [PseudoGlob] -> Bool
pseudoGlobIsSuperSetof = matchable
    matchable x@(xf:xs) y@(yf:ys) =
        case (xf, yf) of
            (PGMany, PGMany) -> matchable x ys
            (PGMany, _) -> matchable x ys || matchable xs y
            (_, PGMany) -> False
            (PGAny, _) -> matchable xs ys
            (_, PGAny) -> False
            (_, _) -> xf == yf && matchable xs ys

    matchable [] [] = True
    matchable (PGMany : rest) [] = matchable rest []
    matchable _ _ = False

That’s really all there is to it. ShellCheck just goes through each pattern, and flags the first pattern (if any) that it shadows. There’s also a pattern simplifier which rearranges c*?*?****d into c??*d to add some efficiency to obviously diseased patterns.

Future work could include supporting character sets/ranges since [yY] is at least occasionally used, but it’s rare to find any extglob to warrant full regex support.

Of course, 99% of the time, there are no duplicates. 99.9% of the time, you’d get the same result with simple string matches.

However, that 0.1% of cases where you get delightful insights like -? shadowing -v or Linux-3.1* shadowing Linux-3.12* makes it all worthwhile.

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