TSP art on a CPU budget

tl;dr: My hobby project is a web app that draws an image with a single, long, non-intersecting line. This post explains the process.

Like many engineers, I’ve had a long standing fascination with mazes. One manifestation of this was elementary school drawings of ever-winding but never overlapping lines, like this:

They were fascinating to look at but tedious to draw. When I learned programming a few years later, I wrote many grid-based maze generators. However, while I’ve pondered the problem every several years since, I never ended up writing one that could replicate that organic, free-flowing, space filling style.

That is, until recently.

After 20 years, my pondering coincided with a blank spot on my wall, and I finally decided to implement it. Here’s Central Europe drawn with a single, ever-winding line. Click to see the entire world (10000×5000, 4MB).

Central Europe drawn as a single line

The actual artwork I put on my wall — which looks better in person but doesn’t convey the concept as convincingly in a blog post — was of my guinea pig. Maze obsession aside, my favorite part is how discoverable it is:

Guinea pig drawn with a single line

It looks like a grayscale photo from a distance, but as you get closer you realize that it’s made up of something, thereby inviting you to get closer still until you have your nose pressed up against it, tracing the 160 meter line around.

I never intended to publish the program, but the result was striking enough that I compiled the C++ code to Wasm via emscripten, added a scrappy frontend, and put it online. You can play around with it on The source code is koalaman/ on GitHub.

I was not aware of this until I after I finished it, but this style closely resembles what’s known as "TSP art". Traditionally, it’s done by laying out points with a density according to a grayscale image, solving the Traveling Salesman Problem, and graphing the result.

Of course, even approximating TSP is hard, so generating such images takes minutes for smaller ones and days for large ones.

Since I only cared about the visual impression and not about the optimality or completeness of the resulting path, I just used some ad-hoc heuristics. The tool runs in seconds.

A keltic knot, but even knottier as thick bands are drawn with a single, space filling line

So how does it work?

The general approach is to generate a point cloud with a density matching a grayscale input image, and finding something close to a Hamiltonian path that doesn’t cross itself.

It’s a short description, but there are multiple noteworthy details:

  • The path does not need to be short, as it would in the Travelling Salesman Problem. Arguably, the longer the better.
  • The path must not cross itself. A TSP solution under triangle inequality will get this for free, but we have to work for it.
  • The path does not need to be complete. In fact, it shouldn’t be. Any far-away point is better left unvisited to avoid causing unsightly artifacts. Unvisited central points will merely cause small visual glitches.
  • It’s a path and not a cycle. Not because it’s easy, but because it’s hard. A visual cycle can trivially be created by tracing the circumference of a spanning tree in O(n) time, and where’s the fun in that?

To generate a point cloud, I simply went over each pixel in a grayscale input and added a vertex there if there wasn’t already one within some distance d determined by the shade of the pixel:

A point cloud resembling a guinea pig

I then added edges from each node to all nearby nodes, as long as the edge did not cross an existing edge. This way, there would be no crossing edges, so any Hamiltonian path would avoid crossing itself:

A grid resembling a guinea pig

I then designated an arbitrary start point and an end point. The exact points don’t matter, but for ease of locating them, I picked the left-most and right-most points, and used plain ol’ depth first search to find a path between them:

A grid still resembling a guinea pig, with a meandering line from butt to snout

I would then iteratively expand the path. For each pair of points (p1, p2) along the path, I would find a neighbor n of p1 and try to find a path from n to p2. If found, I would expanded the path from p1->p2 to p1->n->...->p2, which is guaranteed to be longer in terms of nodes. This way, the path gradually lengthened to cover most of the nodes:

A grid still resembling a guinea pig, with an even longer meandering line from butt to snout

The line keeps getting longer!

A long meandering line now completely space filling the outline of a guinea pig

This is enough for well connected graphs.

For disjoint graphs, such as a world map, I simply added the shortest edge that would connect the disjoint regions together. This ensures that a path exists between the start and end, but necessarily leaves large island unconnected since there is only a single bridge there:

A world map with a line meandering from Alaska to New Zealand, but missing South America

If the path at any point touched a large, unexplored section of the graph, I simply added another edge from the neighbor or neighbor’s neighor to that point. That way, any such island would slowly become reachable:

A path through Latin America, but stopping short of South America because the grid is only connected by a single edge

A path through Latin America, but stopping short of South America because the grid is only connected by a different, single edge, slightly closer to Colombia

A path through Latin America, now going down into Columbia and space filling all of South America

A path through Latin America, now going down into Columbia and space filling all of South America

Finally, the curve is smoothed from simple, linear segments into Catmull–Rom splines, and then mapped into Cubic Bezier splines that can easily be rendered in SVG.

There is some additional polish like ignoring areas under a certain size or that are just a long, thin line of points, shuffling to try to avoid holes in the middle of a graph, and pruning edges coming out of a single vertex that are too close in angle, but really — that’s it.

I had a lot of fun hacking this project together, and I still find the result fascinating and captivating. Give it a spin on and see what you think!

(Thanks to gnuplot for its ever invaluable plots, both for debugging, and for the illustrations in this post)

Swap on HDD: Does placement matter? (tl;dr: Yes)

Someone was partitioning an ancient laptop’s spinning rust, and asked where they should put their swap. At the start of the drive? At the end? As a swap file? Does it even matter?

While I’m on my 4th generation SSD at this point, I was interested enough to benchmark and find out. I would have used a swap file thinking it wouldn’t matter much, but boy was I wrong!

Test setup

My only remaining functional HDD — after putting two others in the electronics recycling bin — was a Western Digital 2.0TB WD20EARX SATA drive with 64MB cache.

I installed Ubuntu 21.04 Server on it, and partitioned it with 1G boot, 4G swap, 1.8T ext4 root, and another 4G swap. For easy testing, I did it all through kvm using the raw device without cache:

kvm -m 2048 -drive file=/dev/sda,format=raw,cache=none

I verified that the host did indeed not use its rather more generous RAM to cache the device.

The standard test, building Linux, did not swap as much as I hoped. With enough RAM to successfully boot, it didn’t really touch swap for as long as I bothered to watch it. I instead turned to my favorite RAM hog: building ShellCheck with the GHC Haskell compiler. This is a high RAM, low disk process.

I tried once with plenty of RAM, then each of the following with 2GB RAM and 4GB swap:

  • Swap at the start of the drive
  • Swap at the end of the drive
  • Swap in a file created with dd if=/dev/zero of=4g bs=1M count=4096 (which hdparm --fibmap revealed to be allocated across four contiguous areas in the first 14GB of the device)

For fun, I also included:

  • Swap on an old OCZ Vertex 4 SATA 256GB SSD
  • Swap on my current Samsung 970 Evo Plus 1TB SSD

Each test was preceded by a git clean -fdx, swapoff/swapon, dropping caches, and finally a time cabal v1-build shellcheck.

I ran each test twice and picked the lowest number, though the variance was not large. For the swap file, I generated a second one to see if it was the luck of the allocator, but results were similar. dmesg showed no read errors after the tests finished.


Bar chart of numbers below

Or in numbers:

  • 165s (2:45) — RAM only
  • 451s (7:31) — NVMe SSD
  • 771s (12:51) — SATA SSD
  • 1701s (28:21) — Start of HDD
  • 2600s (43:20) — Swap file on HDD
  • 3161s (52:41) — End of HDD

In this test, using a swap file was surprisingly 50%+ slower than simply allocating a swap partition at the start of the drive, in spite of the low fragmentation and Linux’s bypass of the FS layer.

Drives and workloads obviously vary, but if nothing else we can safely say that yes, placement matters.

What exactly was the point of [ “x$var” = “xval” ]?

In shell scripting you sometimes come across comparisons where each value is prefixed with "x". Here are some examples from GitHub:

if [ "x${JAVA}" = "x" ]; then
if [ "x${server_ip}" = "xlocalhost" ]; then
if test x$1 = 'x--help' ; then

I’ll call this the x-hack.

For any POSIX compliant shell, the value of the x-hack is exactly zero: this comparison works without the x 100% of the time. But why was it a thing?

Online sources like this stackoverflow Q&A are a little handwavy, saying it’s an alternative to quoting (most definitely NOT the case!), pointing towards issues with "some versions" of certain shells, or generally cautioning against the mystic behaviors of especially ancient Unix system without concrete examples.

To determine whether or not ShellCheck should warn about this, and if so, what its long form rationale should be, I decided to dig into the history of Unix with the help of The Unix Heritage Society‘s archives. I was unfortunately unable to peer into the closely guarded world of the likes of HP-UX and AIX, so dinosaur herders beware.

These are the cases I found that can fail.

Left-hand side matches a unary operator

The AT&T Unix v6 shell from 1973, at least as found in PWB/UNIX from 1977, would fail to run test commands whose left-hand side matched a unary operator. This must have been immediately obvious to anyone who tried to check for command line parameters:

% arg="-f"
% test "$arg" = "-f"
syntax error: -f
% test "x$arg" = "x-f"

This was fixed in the AT&T Unix v7 Bourne shell builtin in 1979. However, test and [ were also available as separate executables, and appear to have retained a variant of the buggy behavior:

$ arg="-f"
$ [ "$arg" = "-f" ]
$ [ "x$arg" = "x-f" ]

This happened because the utility used a simple recursive descent parser without backtracking, which gave unary operators precedence over binary operators and ignored trailing arguments.

The "modern" Bourne shell behavior was copied by the Public Domain KornShell in 1988, and made part of POSIX.2 in 1992. GNU Bash 1.14 did the same thing for its builtin [, and the GNU shellutils package that provided the external test/[ binaries followed POSIX, so the early GNU/Linux distros like SLS were not affected, nor was FreeBSD 1.0.

The x-hack is effective because no unary operators can start with x.

Either side matches string length operator -l

A similar issue that survived longer was with the string length operator -l. Unlike the normal unary predicates, this one was only parsed as part as part of an operand to binary predicates:

[ -l "$var" -gt 8 ] && echo "String is longer than 8 chars"

It did not make it into POSIX because, as the rationale puts it, "it was undocumented in most implementations, has been removed from some implementations (including System V), and the functionality is provided by the shell", referring to [ ${#var} -gt 8 ].

It was not a problem in UNIX v7 where = took precedence, but Bash 1.14 from 1996 would parse it greedily up front:

$ var="-l"
$ [ "$var" = "-l" ]
test: -l: binary operator expected
$ [ "x$var" = "x-l" ]

It was also a problem on the right-hand side, but only in nested expressions. The -l check made sure there was a second argument, so you would need an additional expression or parentheses to trigger it:

$ [ "$1" = "-l" -o 1 -eq 1 ]
[: too many arguments
$ [ "x$1" = "x-l" -o 1 -eq 1 ]

This operator was removed in Bash 2.0 later that year, eliminating the problem.

Left-hand side is !

Another issue in early shells was when the left-hand side was the negation operator !:

$ var="!"
$ [ "$var" = "!" ]
test: argument expected            (UNIX v7, 1979)
test: =: unary operator expected   (bash 1.14, 1996)
(false)                            (pd-ksh88, 1988)
$ [ "x$var" = "x!" ]

Again, the x-hack is effective by preventing the ! from being recognized as a negation operator.

ksh treated this the same as [ ! "=" ], and ignored the rest of the arguments. This quiety returned false, as = is not a null string. Ksh continues to ignore trailing arguments to this day:

$ [ -e / random words/ops here ]
(true)                              (ksh93, 2021)
bash: [: too many arguments         (bash5, 2021)

Bash 2.0 and ksh93 both fixed this problem by letting = take precedence in the 3-argument case, in accordance with POSIX.

Left-hand side is "("

This is by far my favorite.

The UNIX v7 builtin failed when the left-hand side was a left-parenthesis:

$ left="(" right="("
$ [ "$left" = "$right" ]
test: argument expected
$ [ "x$left" = "x$right" ]

This happens because the ( takes precedence over the =, and becomes an invalid parenthesis group.

Why is this my favorite? Behold Dash 0.5.4 up until 2009:

$ left="(" right="("
$ [ "$left" = "$right" ]
[: 1: closing paren expected
$ [ "x$left" = "x$right" ]

That was an active bug when the StackOverflow Q&A was posted.

But wait, there’s more!

Here’s Zsh in late 2015, right before version 5.3:

% left="(" right=")"
% [ "$left" = "$right" ]
% [ "x$left" = "x$right" ]

Amazingly, the x-hack could be used to work around certain bugs all the way up until 2015, seven years after StackOverflow wrote it off as an archaic relic of the past!

The bugs are of course increasingly hard to come across. The Zsh one only triggers when comparing left-paren against right-paren, as otherwise the parser will backtrack and figure it out.

Another late holdout was Solaris, whose /bin/sh was the legacy Bourne shell as late as Solaris 10 in 2009. However, this was undoubtedly for compatibility, and not because they believed this was a viable shell. A "standards compliant" shell had been an option for a long time before Solaris 11 dragged it kicking and screaming into 21th century — or at least into the 90s — by switching to ksh93 by default in 2011.

In all cases, the x-hack is effective because it prevents the operands from being recognized as parentheses.


The x-hack was indeed useful and effective against several real and practical problems in multiple shells.

However, the value was mostly gone by the mid-to-late 1990s, and the few remaining issues were cleaned up before 2010 — shockingly late, but still over a decade ago.

The last one managed to stay until 2015, but only in the very specific case of comparing opening parenthesis to a closed parenthesis in one specific non-system shell.

I think it’s time to retire this idiom, and ShellCheck now offers a style suggestion by default.


The Dash issue of [ "(" = ")" ] was originally reported in a form that affected both Bash 3.2.48 and Dash 0.5.4 in 2008. You can still see this on macOS bash today:

$ str="-e"
$ [ \( ! "$str" \) ]
[: 1: closing paren expected     # dash
bash: [: `)' expected, found ]   # bash

POSIX fixes all these ambiguities for up to 4 parameters, ensuring that shells conditions work the same way, everywhere, all the time.

Here’s how Dash maintainer Herbert Xu put it in the fix:

 * POSIX prescriptions: he who wrote this deserves the Nobel
 * peace prize.

Why is /usr/bin/test 4kiB smaller than /usr/bin/[ ?

Reddit user mathisweirdaf posted this interesting observation:

 $ ls -lh /usr/bin/{test,[}
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 59K  Sep  5  2019 '/usr/bin/['
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 55K  Sep  5  2019  /usr/bin/test

[ and test are supposed to be aliases for each other, and yet there is a 4kiB difference between their GNU coreutils binaries. Why?

First, for anyone surprised: yes, there is a /usr/bin/[. I have a previous post on this subject, but here’s a quick recap:

When you write if [ -e /etc/passwd ]; then .. that bracket is not shell syntax but just a regular command with a funny name. It’s serviced by /usr/bin/[, or (more likely) a shell builtin. This explains a lot of its surprising behavior, e.g. why it’s notoriously space sensitive: [1=2] is no more valid than ls-l/tmp.

Anyways, why is there a size difference? We can compare objdump output to see where the data goes. Here’s an excerpt from objdump -h /usr/bin/[:

                 size                                          offset
15 .text         00006e82  0000000000002640  0000000000002640  00002640  2**4
16 .fini         0000000d  00000000000094c4  00000000000094c4  000094c4  2**2
17 .rodata       00001e4c  000000000000a000  000000000000a000  0000a000  2**5

and here’s objdump -h /usr/bin/test:

15 .text         000068a2  0000000000002640  0000000000002640  00002640  2**4
16 .fini         0000000d  0000000000008ee4  0000000000008ee4  00008ee4  2**2
17 .rodata       00001aec  0000000000009000  0000000000009000  00009000  2**5

We can see that the .text segment (compiled executable code) — is 1504 bytes larger, while .rodata (constant values and strings) is 864 bytes larger.

Most crucially, the increased size of the .text segment causes it to go from the 8000s to the 9000s, crossing a 0x1000 (4096) page size boundary, and therefore shifting all other segments up by 4096 bytes. This is the size difference we’re seeing.

The only nominal difference between [ and test is that [ requires a ] as a final argument. Checking for that would be a very minuscule amount of code, so what are those ~1500 bytes used for?

Since it’s hard to inspect stripped binaries, I built my own copy of coreutils and compared the list of functions in each:

$ diff -u <(nm -S --defined-only src/[ | cut -d ' ' -f 2-) <(nm -S --defined-only src/test | cut -d ' ' -f 2-)
--- /dev/fd/63      2021-02-02 20:21:35.337942508 -0800
+++ /dev/fd/62      2021-02-02 20:21:35.341942491 -0800
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@
 D __dso_handle
 D _edata
-0000000000000099 T emit_bug_reporting_address
 B _end
 0000000000000004 D exit_failure
 0000000000000008 b file_name
@@ -63,7 +62,7 @@
 0000000000000022 T locale_charset
 0000000000000014 T __lstat
 0000000000000014 t lstat
-0000000000000188 T main
+00000000000000d1 T main
 000000000000000b T make_timespec
 0000000000000004 d nslots
 0000000000000022 t one_argument
@@ -142,16 +141,10 @@
 0000000000000032 T umaxtostr
 0000000000000013 t unary_advance
 00000000000004e5 t unary_operator
-00000000000003d2 T usage
+0000000000000428 T usage
 0000000000000d2d T vasnprintf
 0000000000000013 T verror
 00000000000000ae T verror_at_line
-0000000000000008 D Version
-00000000000000ab T version_etc
-0000000000000018 T version_etc_ar
-000000000000042b T version_etc_arn
-000000000000002f R version_etc_copyright
-000000000000007a T version_etc_va
 000000000000001c r wide_null_string.2840
 0000000000000078 T x2nrealloc
 000000000000000e T x2realloc

The major contributors are the version_etc* functions. What do they do?

Well, let’s have a look:

/* The three functions below display the --version information the
   standard way. [...]

These are 260 lines of rather elaborate, internationalized, conditional ways of formatting data that makes up --version output. Together they take about bc <<< "ibase=16; 7A+2F+42B+18+AB+8+99" = 1592 bytes.

What does this mean? Simple. This is what we’re paying an extra 4kb for:

$ /usr/bin/[ --version
[ (GNU coreutils) 8.30
Copyright (C) 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>.
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

Written by Kevin Braunsdorf and Matthew Bradburn.

[ --version is missing the final ], so the invocation is invalid and the result is therefore implementation defined. GNU is free to let it output version info.

Meanwhile, /usr/bin/test --version is a valid invocation, and POSIX mandates that it simply returns success when the first parameter (--version) is a non-empty string.

This difference is even mentioned in the documentation:

NOTE: [ honors the --help and --version options, but test does not.
test treats each of those as it treats any other nonempty STRING.

Mystery solved!

(Exercise: what would have been the implications of having test support --help and --version in spite of POSIX?)

${var?} and &&: Two simple tips for shell commands in tech docs

tl;dr: Use error-if-unset ${placeholders?} and join commands with && to make it easier and safer to copy-paste shell commands from technical documentation.

I frequently read documentation that includes shell commands, and copy-paste them into a shell. It might look something like this:

To install a JDK:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install openjdk-<VERSION>-jdk

Obviously this example is particularly simple and clear. A more realistic case might have several 160+ character commands invoking unfamiliar tools and utility scripts with a variety of fixed and variable parameters. To see far too many instances of this, check out your company’s internal wiki.

You, as the documentation author or editor, can improve such command listings in two simple ways.

Use ${NAME?} instead of ad-hoc placeholders like <NAME> or NAME

If I accidentally miss one of the placeholders where I was supposed to insert something, this error-if-unset POSIX compatible syntax will cause a command to fail fast with a simple and clear error message:

$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-${VERSION?}-jdk
bash: VERSION: parameter not set

(Assuming there is no existing environment variable by the same name, that is!)

Compare this to the original angle brackets, which in the best case fail somewhat obtusely:

$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-<VERSION>-jdk
bash: VERSION: No such file or directory

and otherwise, will create/truncate files while giving misleading errors (if I’m lucky enough to get one):

$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-<VERSION>-jdk
E: Unable to locate package openjdk
$ grep VERSION *
grep: invalid option -- 'j'

Here the redirection >-jdk was interpreted as a file redirection (just like in to echo Hi > foo.txt), and created a file -jdk that causes otherwise fine commands with globs to fail in unexpected ways (and imagine what would happen with grep <alias name> ~/.bashrc!)

For just an uppercase word, it can be hard to tell whether something like ID is part of the command or whether it’s a placeholder. The command will try to execute whether or not I guess correctly.

Use && between consecutive commands

I get not just one but two benefits when you use && to join multiple consecutive commands:

sudo apt-get update &&
sudo apt-get install openjdk-${VERSION?}-jdk

The first and well known one is that each command will only run if the previous ones succeeded. Instead of powering through errors and running commands from an increasingly unknown state, the shell will stop so I can get it back on track and continue correctly.

The second and more subtle benefit is that this will make the shell read all commands up front, before it starts executing any. This matters when any of the commands request input. Here’s what happens when I paste the original example:

$ sudo apt-get update
[sudo] password for vidar:
Sorry, try again.
[sudo] password for vidar:

I pasted two commands, but the first one requested a password. The second command was then read as that password, leading to the "Sorry, try again" error.

When I now enter my actual password, only the first command will run. I won’t have any further indication that one of the commands has been swallowed up.

Compare this to using &&, where the shell patiently reads all of the commands beforehand (with a continuation prompt >), and only then executes them:

$ sudo apt-get update &&
> sudo apt-get install openjdk-14-jdk
[sudo] password for vidar:

When I enter my password now, both commands will run as expected.


These simple tips, alone or together, can help make it easier for users to follow instructions involving shell commands, leading to fewer and more easily fixed mistakes. This makes their lives easier, and by extension, yours.

Use echo/printf to write images in 5 LoC with zero libraries or headers

tl;dr: With the Netpbm file formats, it’s trivial to output pixels using nothing but text based IO

To show that there’s nothing up my sleeves, here’s an image:

A computer generated image of gently shaded, repeating squares

And here’s the complete, dependency free bash script that generates it:

exec > my_image.ppm    # All echo statements will write here
echo "P3 250 250 255"  # magic, width, height, max component value
for ((y=0; y<250; y++)) {
  for ((x=0; x<250; x++)) {
    echo "$((x^y)) $((x^y)) $((x|y))" # r, g, b

That’s it. That’s all you need to generate an image that can be read by common tools like GIMP, ImageMagick and Netpbm.

To rewind for a second, it’s sometimes useful to output an image to do printf debugging of 2D algorithms, to visualize data, or simply because you have some procedural pixels you want to put on screen.

However — at least if you hadn’t seen the above example — the threshold to start outputting graphics could seem rather high. Even with a single file library, that’s one more thing to set up and figure out. This is especially annoying during debugging, when you know you’re going to delete it within the hour.

Fortunately, the Netpbm suite of tools have developed an amazingly flexible solution: a set of lowest common denominator file formats for full color Portable PixMaps (PPM), Portable GrayMaps (PGM), and monochrome Portable BitMaps (PBM), that can all be written as plain ASCII text using any language’s basic text IO.

Collectively, the formats are known as PNM: Portable aNyMaps.

The above bash script is more than enough to get started, but a detailed description of the file format with examples can be found in man ppm, man pgm, and man pbm on a system with Netpbm installed.

Each man page describes two version of a simple file format: one binary and one ASCII. Either is completely trivial to implement, though the ASCII ones are my favorite for being so ridiculously barebones that you can write them by hand in Notepad.

To convert them to more common file formats, either open and export in GIMP, use ImageMagick convert my_file.ppm my_file.png, or NetPBM pnmtopng < my_file.ppm > my_file.png

Should you wish to input images using this trivial ASCII format, the NetPBM tool pnmtoplainpnm will convert a binary ppm/pgm/pbm (as produced by any tool including Netpbm’s anytopnm) into an ASCII ppm/pgm/pbm.

If your goal is to experiment with any kind of image processing algorithm, you can easily slot into Netpbm’s wonderfully Unix-y set of tools by reading/writing PPM on stdin/stdout:

curl | 
    pngtopnm | 
    ppmbrighten -v +10 |
    yourtoolhere |
    pnmscale 2 |
    pnmtopng > output.png