The curious pitfalls in shell redirections to $((i++))

ShellCheck v0.7.1 has just been released. It primarily has cleanups and bugfixes for existing checks, but also some new ones. The new check I personally find the most fascinating is this one, for an issue I haven’t really seen discussed anywhere before:

In demo line 6:
  cat template/header.txt "$f" > archive/$((i++)).txt
  SC2257: Arithmetic modifications in command redirections
          may be discarded. Do them separately.

Here’s the script in full:

for f in *.txt
  echo "Archiving $f as $i.txt"
  cat template/header.txt "$f" > archive/$((i++)).txt

Seasoned shell scripter may already have jumped ahead, tried it in their shell, and found that the change is not discarded, at least not in their Bash 5.0.16(1):

bash-5.0$ i=0; echo foo > $((i++)).txt; echo "$i" 

Based on this, you may be expecting a quick look through the Bash commit history, and maybe a plea that we should be kind to our destitute brethren on macOS with Bash 3.

But no. Here’s the demo script on the same system:

bash-5.0$ ./demo
Archiving chocolate_cake_recipe.txt as 1.txt
Archiving emo_poems.txt as 1.txt
Archiving project_ideas.txt as 1.txt

The same is true for source ./demo, which runs the script in the exact same shell instance that we just tested on. Furthermore, it only happens in redirections, and not in arguments.

So what’s going on?

As it turns out, Bash, Ksh and BusyBox ash all expand the redirection filename as part of setting up file descriptors. If you are familiar with the Unix process model, the pseudocode would be something like this:

if command is external:
  fork child process:
    filename := expandString(command.stdout) # Increments i
    fd[1] := open(filename)
    execve(command.executable, command.args)
  filename := expandString(command.stdout)   # Increments i
  tmpFd := open(filename)
  run_internal_command(command, stdout=tmpFD)

In other words, the scope of the variable modification depends on whether the shell forked off a new process in anticipation of executing the command.

For shell builtin commands that don’t or can’t fork, like echo, this means that the change takes effect in the current shell. This is the test we did.

For external commands, like cat, the change is only visible between the time the file descriptor is set up until the command is invoked to take over the process. This is what the demo script does.

Of course, subshells are well known to experienced scripters, and also described on this blog in the article Why Bash is like that: Subshells, but to me, this is a new and especially tricky source of them.

For example, the script works fine in busybox sh, where cat is a builtin:

$ busybox sh demo
Archiving chocolate_cake_recipe.txt as 1.txt
Archiving emo_poems.txt as 2.txt
Archiving project_ideas.txt as 3.txt

Similarly, the scope may depend on whether you overrode any commands with a wrapper function:

awk() { gawk "$@"; }
# Increments
awk 'BEGIN {print "hi"; exit;}' > $((i++)).txt
# Does not increment
gawk 'BEGIN {print "hi"; exit;}' > $((i++)).txt  

Or if you want to override an alias, the result depends on whether you used command or a leading backslash:

# Increments
command git show . > $((i++)).txt
# Does not increment
\git show . > $((i++)).txt

To avoid this confusion, consider following ShellCheck’s advice and just increment the variable separately if it’s part of the filename in a redirection:

anything > "$((i++)).txt"
: $((i++))

Thanks to Strolls on #bash@Freenode for pointing out this behavior.

PS: While researching this article, I found that dash always increments (though with $((i=i+1)) since it doesn’t support ++). ShellCheck v0.7.1 still warns, but git master does not.

1 thought on “The curious pitfalls in shell redirections to $((i++))”

  1. Great article!

    The first time I discovered this pitfall was when a user in (or maybe it was on freenode) reported having a problem with something that looked like this:

    { cmd1 arg1; cmd2 arg2 > “/tmp/file_$BASHPID” ;} & cmd3 arg3

    $BASHPID in that redirection is neither the pid of the main bash shell nor the pid of the background shell, it is the pid of the fork that runs cmd2.

    Another interesting quirk about this is that the following code will actually expand $BASHPID as the pid of the background shell, because bash optimises out the double fork:

    cmd2 arg2 > “/tmp/file_$BASHPID” &

    That users code broke when they turned that simple command into a compound command.

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