Stick figure with pot I'm not only a geek, I can also pretend to cook! Here are some recipies for crap&such that doesn't require more than a couple of minutes and the brain of a hamster to make (figuratively speaking). Some taste accordingly, but hey, whatever doesn't kill you only makes you stronger! (or sick, weak and malnurished).

Please excuse the lack of html formatting, I intend to fix it when hell freezes over.

Yummy things:
Uberritos, 30min, ambrosial.
Lentil omelette, 15min, delicious.
Noodles++, 3min, yummy.

Things that can keep you alive if you forget to shop before the stores close:
Onion Overkill, 20min, oniony.
Vegetable burritos, 20min, pretty good.